Shopping for milk formulas can be a daunting task, especially first time parents who have no experience with buying formula milk for their offspring. There are so many kinds of milk formulas available from Enfalac and Enfamil alone, more so all the other brands available throughout Malaysia.
For example, what does Step 1, Step 2 or Step 3 even mean? Well..
- Enfalac Step 1: Suitable for babies 0 to 12 months old
- Enfalac Step 2: Suitable for babies 6 to 18 months old
- Enfalac Step 3: Suitable for babies 1 year and above
Do not worry, we have made a guide on every Enfamil and Enfalac milk formula available in Malaysia.
In this article we will address the following :
- What is the difference between Enfamil formulas (and Enfalac)
- How to Choose Enfamil Formulas (and Enfalac)
What is Enfalac ?
Enfalac is one of the most popular milk formula brands in Malaysia. If you look it up on Google, you may come across the term 'Mead Johnson's Enfamil' in other countries. This is because Enfalac, Enfagrow, Enfamil and Sustagen are all milk formula brands owned by the same company : Mead Johnson. In Malaysia, Enfalac is distributed by Enfagrow.
Enfamil vs Enfalac
Enfamil and Enfalac are the same. Enfamil is the new name for Enfalac after rebranding. However, some vendors still use the name Enfalac in Malaysia.
If you see any Enfamil products in local markets, chances are they are manufactured overseas. Enfalac from Malaysia has a straightforward product line, consisting of the usual formula line, and the gentlease formulas. Meanwhile, Enfamil has a wide range of products for a wide variety of needs, like Lactofree formulas, Hypoallergenic formulas, formulas for premature babies and so on.
Enfamil is usually more expensive compared to Enfalac in Malaysian markets. Enfamil is usually not available in Lazada, but can be found in Shopee.
A. General Enfalac Milk Formulas
B. Enfalac Milk Formulas for Premature Babies along with Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers
For babies above 12 months old, Mead Johnson uses a product line called Enfagrow.

A. General Enfalac Milk Formulas
1. Enfalac Baby Step 1

Enfalac Baby Step 1 with MFGM and DHA+ARA is designed for full term infants from birth to 12 months.

Enfalac Baby Step 1 with MFGM and DHA+ARA is designed for full term infants from birth to 12 months.
Enfalac Baby Step 1 Ingredients
- MFGM : A whey protein concentrate which contains Milk Fat Globule Membrane. MFGM is a natural source of phospholids and sphingomyelin which are found abundantly in the brain. MFGM also contains source of proteins to support baby’s growth and development.
- 20mg DHA & 25mg ARA
- High in Calcium, Vitamin D & Iron
- Calcium aids in developments of strong bones and teeth.
- Vitamin D helps the body utilize calcium and phosphorus.
- Iron is a factor in red blood cell formation.
- Blend of PDX & GOS: A blend of mixture containing 50% (wt/wt) Polydextrose (PDX) and 50% (wt/wt) Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) which are prebiotics, and is patented in US, Europe, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong
- Enfalac A+ is now added with 2’-FL, a milk Oligosaccharide which derived from lactose.
- MFGM : A whey protein concentrate which contains Milk Fat Globule Membrane. MFGM is a natural source of phospholids and sphingomyelin which are found abundantly in the brain. MFGM also contains source of proteins to support baby’s growth and development.
- 20mg DHA & 25mg ARA
- High in Calcium, Vitamin D & Iron
- Calcium aids in developments of strong bones and teeth.
- Vitamin D helps the body utilize calcium and phosphorus.
- Iron is a factor in red blood cell formation.
- Blend of PDX & GOS: A blend of mixture containing 50% (wt/wt) Polydextrose (PDX) and 50% (wt/wt) Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) which are prebiotics, and is patented in US, Europe, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong
- Enfalac A+ is now added with 2’-FL, a milk Oligosaccharide which derived from lactose.
Enfalac 0-12 Months Price
a. Enfalac A+ Step 1 (500g)
Lazada (RM80.00)
Shopee (RM77.00)
b. Enfalac A+ Step 1 (1.74kg)
Lazada (RM264.80)
Shopee (RM219.00)
c. Enfalac A+ Step 1 (2.32kg)
Lazada (RM 328.00)
Shopee (RM314.00)
Enfamil Step 1 Price(Enfamil Step 1 is currently not available on Lazada or Shopee Malaysia)
a. Enfalac A+ Step 1 (500g)
Lazada (RM80.00)
Shopee (RM77.00)
b. Enfalac A+ Step 1 (1.74kg)
Lazada (RM264.80)
Shopee (RM219.00)
c. Enfalac A+ Step 1 (2.32kg)
Lazada (RM 328.00)
Shopee (RM314.00)
Enfamil Step 1 Price
(Enfamil Step 1 is currently not available on Lazada or Shopee Malaysia)
2. Enfalac Baby Step 2
- Milk formula for infants 6 to 18 months old
- 17mg* DHA & 34mg* ARA
- Choline
- Sialic acid: an important component of brain tissue.
- Dietary fibers: GOS & Inulin
- MFGM Complex, a whey protein concentrate which contains Milk Fat Globule Membrane. MFGM is a natural source of phospholipids, sphingomyelin and proteins. Optimum levels of phospholipids and sphingomyelin help baby's development.
- High in Calcium, Vitamin D & source of Magnesium:
> Calcium aids in the development of strong bones and teeth.
> Magnesium promotes calcium absorption and retention.
> Vitamin D helps the body utilize calcium and phosphorus.
Enfalac Step 2 Price
RM72, 500g - Lazada
RM328, 2.32kg - Lazada
RM305.90, 2.32kg - Shopee
Enfamil Step 2 Price
(Enfamil Step 2 is currently not available on Lazada or Shopee Malaysia)
What is the difference between Enfamil Step 1 and Step 2?
Enfamil Step 2 has more calcium than Step 1 to help build strong bones and teeth. It also has age-appropriate levels of iron and protein. This is because the calcium needs of babies increase after 6 months.
3. Enfalac Baby Gentlease

Enfalac Baby Gentlease is designed to support infant's growth and development from birth to 12 months of age.
Contains partially hydrolyzed protein: Protein that is broken down through hydrolyzation technology.
Contains 20mg DHA and 25mg ARA per 100kcal
Now added with milk fat globule membrane (MFGM). MFGM contains source of protein to support baby’s growth and development
Enfalac Baby Gentlease Reviews Malaysia
In Malaysia, Enfalac Gentlease has more than 390 ratings (5/5) in Shopee
Enfalac Baby Gentlease Price
Buy from Lazada (RM148)
Buy from Shopee (RM263)
4. Enfalac Baby AR

Enfalac A.R. is designed with added rice starch for babies who regurgitate frequently. This infant formula contains rice starch which helps thicken the formula to reduce risk of frequent regurgitation. This helps decrease regurgitation in infants with reflux. For babies between 0-12 months old.
Enfalac Baby AR Price
B. Enfamil Milk Formulas for Premature Babies along with Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers
5. Enfamama Milk Booster

- Formulated to support the nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating moms.
- Sold officially in Malaysia
> 360° DHA Plus contains a unique blend of nutrients:
- 100mg DHA - Scientifically formulated to help meet expert recommended daily DHA intake.
- High in Folid Acid - Folid Acid is essential for growth and division of cells.
- High in Choline - Maternal milk with highest levels of Choline.
- Calcium - Calcium aids in the development of strong bones and teeth.
- Vitamin D - Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus.
- Iron - Iron is a factor in red blood cell formation.
- Inulin - Prebiotic (inulin) helps increase intestinal bifidobacteria and helps maintain a good intestinal environment.
Enfamama Price
All Milk Formulas in Lazada
- Pediasure :
- Isomil :
- Mamil :
- Similac :
- Friso Gold :
- Anmum :
- Ensure :
- S26 :
- Browse all brands :
All Milk Formulas in Shopee > BROWSE HERE
Baby Nutrition Guide
1. 0-6 months - Step 1
Newborns should either breast milk or infant formula on demand.
Breast Milk
For new-born babies, WHO advices to solely breastfeed for the first 6 months and then continue with additional nutritious foods up to 2 years old, based on you and your baby's needs. (Source)
Breastfeeding is usually the better option compared to formula milk because it..
- Adapts to the baby's changing requirements
- Provides babies with all of the vital nutrition and hydration they need
- Helps protect against infection and to build a healthy immune system
- Is a cheap and convenient to feed your babies wherever and whenever they need to.
Infant Formula Milk
In case breastfeeding doesn’t work or you choose not to breastfeed, infant formula is the only suitable alternative. It should be your baby’s only source of nutrition for the first 6 months. A formula-fed infant will drink every 3 - 4 hours and will increase as your baby grows.
According to NHS guidelines, cow’s milk and other substitutes should not be introduced as a main drink until after 1 year. Never start solids before 4 months. Source
Always seek medical advice before buying infant formula.
Here are some infant milk formulas you can get in Malaysia..
- Nestle NAN Pro Step 1 (600g), RM76.36 > Lazada
- Anmum Infacare Step 1 (650g), RM67 > Lazada
Water - NOT Recommended
It is recommended that you do not give babies under six months of age water. Until your little one is six months they should receive only breastmilk or formula.
Here are some of the common consequences of introducing water to babies too early..
- Lack of nutrients from milk or formula
- Slower weight gain and decreased development
- Weaker immunity
- Potential of reduced breast milk supply
- Water intoxication
For more information, check out When Can Babies Drink Water
4-6 Months Old
Most babies are ready to start solids around 5 - 6 months old.
Some signs that show they are ready include..
- Mastering the grabbing skill
- Developing head and neck control
- Losing the tongue-thrust mechanism that automatically pushes food out of their mouth. N
Aim to feed about 1-2 tablespoons of food twice a day to your baby. Solid food shouldn't replace milk as the main source of nutrients.
2. 6-12 months - Step 2
At 6 months, parents will usually introduce more foods into their baby’s diet, so the amount of milk they will need will gradually decrease. For both formula-fed and breastfed babies, the amount of milk they drink should naturally adjust according to how much food they have eaten.
However, for babies 6 to 9 months old, most of their calories should still come from breast milk or formula. Don’t stress about getting them to eat bite after bite of solid food. Feed up to two meals daily (or once every couple of days for some babies), with each meal 2 to 4 tablespoons.
Suitable baby foods include iron-fortified single-grain baby cereal along with pureed vegetables, fruits, and meats. You can also try offering finger foods like cut vegetables, fruit, yogurt and cheese. However, try not to introduce more than one food at a time to identify possible allergies or digestive problems.
Water can be introduced in small amounts with meals. It is generally advised not to give your baby more than 100ml to 150ml a day. As they age, you may start introducing more water with the help of sippy cups and straws.
For a more detailed guide on introducing water to your baby, do check out When Can Babies Drink Water .
If they seem to have an endless appetite or don’t seem to be eating enough, contact your child specialist.
9-12 Months Old
At this age, about half of your baby’s calories may usually come from food and the other half from breast milk or formula.
Babies these age are usually interested in trying new foods, so you can try to give them small pieces of your own meals. If they want more, give them more, but if they push it away, maybe that item is just not their one of their favourites.
Babies like to play with their food, so you can try using yogurt, cheese or oats as a sauce for vegetables or whole-grain crackers. Just remember to cut the foods properly and to avoid hard pieces to prevent choking.
3. 12 months onwards - Step 3 / Step 4
Summary : Feed breast milk, dairy milk (cow / goat / etc), alternative plant based milk (soy), more soft / semi solid foods. Seek medical advice before feeding non breast milk alternatives.
Children will usually start to eat larger, more regular meals and get most of their nutrition from foods other than milk. WHO recommends that babies continue to be breast fed up to 2 years and beyond, but they may begin to need less breast milk as they eat more food.
After 12 months, your baby may not need formula milk anymore as they can start drinking cow’s milk and other alternatives more regularly.
Below are some of the main types of milk that may be given at this stage.
Cow’s Milk - For children under 2, choose full-fat cow’s milk. Semi-skimmed doesn’t have the same nutrient profile in terms of vitamins and minerals and has less energy.
Goat’s / Sheep’s Milk - Their nutrient profiles are similar to cow’s milk so as long as they’re pasteurised, they’re alright to offer.
Soya Drinks & Other Milk Alternatives - As part of a healthy, balanced diet, soya, oat, almond and other vegetable based milks can be offered or used in cooking. However, they are usually not as nutritionally comparable to cow’s milk. Furthermore, not all brands fortify with the same nutrients.
2 years and above
Summary : Feed cow's milk or alternative, and a balanced diet. Formula milk as an addition if the child is not receiving enough nutrients.
Children will start to eat a more varied, balanced diet and may rely less on milk. You may adjust how much milk you give them based on their diet throughout the week. If your child's diet doesn’t include dairy, you should consider how you can replace any nutrients they might be missing out on, such as formula milk or alternative foods.
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