Looking for a male or female recommended Gynaecologist in Malaysia?
Gynaecology or gynecology is the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive systems (vagina, uterus and ovaries), breasts and pregnancy related management. Literally, outside medicine, it means "the science of women". Popular related procedures include Caesarean section (C-Section), IVF (In-Vitro Fertilisation) etc.
Almost all modern and top gynaecologists are also obstetricians and therefore the term obstetricians & gynecologists or O&G in short. The term 'gynecologist' is often mis-spelled as 'gynocologist' by laymen. In many areas, the specialties of gynaecology and obstetrics overlap.
Most gynaes are qualified with a post-graduate qualification in O&G i.e. MRCOG or Master of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Therefore, they are trained both in obstetrics as well as gynaecology. An obstetrician specialises in pregnancy related aspects of women's health whereas a gynae specialised in the 'non-pregnancy' related aspects.
Next, you may also need to understand that there are 4 primary subspecialties in ob/gyn:
1) maternal fetal medicine (obstetrics)
2) reproductive endocrinology and infertility (IVF Malaysia etc.)
3) female pelvic and reconstructive surgery (uro-gynae in Malaysia)
4) gynaecologic oncology (gynae-oncologist)
However, choosing the right obstetrician and gynecologist (O&G) for your pregnancy and also the right place to deliver your baby may not be as simple as one might think.
If you have no idea how to start, check out our practical guide on how to choose a gynae in Malaysia first.
If you are looking for reviews on gynaecologists, please check out gynaecologist Malaysia review.
Gynaecology or gynecology is the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive systems (vagina, uterus and ovaries), breasts and pregnancy related management. Literally, outside medicine, it means "the science of women". Popular related procedures include Caesarean section (C-Section), IVF (In-Vitro Fertilisation) etc.
Most gynaes are qualified with a post-graduate qualification in O&G i.e. MRCOG or Master of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Therefore, they are trained both in obstetrics as well as gynaecology. An obstetrician specialises in pregnancy related aspects of women's health whereas a gynae specialised in the 'non-pregnancy' related aspects.
Next, you may also need to understand that there are 4 primary subspecialties in ob/gyn:
1) maternal fetal medicine (obstetrics)
2) reproductive endocrinology and infertility (IVF Malaysia etc.)
3) female pelvic and reconstructive surgery (uro-gynae in Malaysia)
4) gynaecologic oncology (gynae-oncologist)
However, choosing the right obstetrician and gynecologist (O&G) for your pregnancy and also the right place to deliver your baby may not be as simple as one might think.
If you have no idea how to start, check out our practical guide on how to choose a gynae in Malaysia first.
If you are looking for reviews on gynaecologists, please check out gynaecologist Malaysia review.
Top Recommended Gynaecologists in Malaysia 2023
We have compiled a list of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Malaysia) categorized by major centers in Malaysia. Please proceed to short-list and incorporate your research in order to find an O&G that you are comfortable with.
Jalan Universiti, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Telephone Contact No.:+603-7949 4422

Normal Delivery Package RM 4,999
Elective Caeserean Package RM 9,900
Baby Package RM 1,800
Telephone Contact No.: +603 91455949
Telephone Contact No.: +603-26155555
8, Jln Bukit Pantai, 59100 Kuala Lumpur), Malaysia.
Gynecologists in University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)
Address: UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA MEDICAL CENTRE (UMMC),Jalan Universiti, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Telephone Contact No.:+603-7949 4422
Professor Dr Tan Peng Chiong - Male
Professor Datuk Dr Siti Zawiah Omar - Female
Professor Dr Vallikannu Narayanan - Female
Professor Dr Mukhri Hamdan - Male
Dr Neha Sethi - Female
Dr Jerilee Mariam Khong Azhary - Female
Dr Yogeeta Gunasagran - Female
Dr Teo Ik Hui - Male
Dr Raymond Lim Chung Siang - Male
UMSC Maternity Package 2023 (Source, 2023)
Note: UMSC is the private wing for UMMC. The cost is relatively higher.Normal Delivery Package RM 4,999
Elective Caeserean Package RM 9,900
Baby Package RM 1,800
- Consultation and Management of Labour by Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecologist (Professor Doctors)
- Delivery attended by Paediatrician
- Included New Born Vaccination
- Partner-friendly (24 Hours)
- Exclusively Single Bedded (2 days 1 night)
- Quality Nursing Care
- Baby-Nursery Care
- Meals Included
Gynecologists in HUKM
Address: HOSPITAL UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA, Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak Cheras, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIATelephone Contact No.: +603 91455949
Dr. Chew Kah Teik
Dr. Rahana Abd Rahman
Dr. Muhammad Azrai Abu
Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Faizal Ahmad - Male
Dr. Ixora Kamisan @ Atan
Dr. Ng Beng Kwang
Prof. Madya Dr. Anizah Ali - Female
Prof. Madya Dr. Nirmala @ Chandralega A/P Kampan
Prof. Madya Dr. Shuhaila Ahmad
Prof. Madya Dr. Aida Hani Mohd Kalok
Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Kadir Abdul Karim
Prof. Madya Dr. Ani Amelia Zainuddin
Prof. Dr. Mohamad Nasir Shafiee
Prof. Dr. Nor Azlin Mohamed Ismail
Prof. Dr. Lim Pei Shan
Prof. Dr. Nur Azurah Abdul Ghani - Female
Prof. Dr. Zaleha Abdullah Mahdy - Female
HUKM Maternity Package (Source)
Bersalin Normal RM200
Bersalin Forceps RM250
Bersalin Vacuum RM400
Caesarean Section RM1,000
Ectopic Pregnancy RM500
Bersalin Forceps RM250
Bersalin Vacuum RM400
Caesarean Section RM1,000
Ectopic Pregnancy RM500
Gynecologists in Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL)
Address: DEPT OF O&G, HOSPITAL KUALA LUMPUR (HKL), JALAN PAHANG, 50586 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.Telephone Contact No.: +603-26155555
Child Health Services: RM40
Obstetrics & Gynecology Treatment: RM40
Postnatal services: RM40
Childbirth Services (including at alternative birth centers and at home): RM200
From HKL.moh.gov.my (source)
Gynecologists in Pantai Hospital (Bangsar) KL | Pantai Bangsar Gynae
Address: Pantai Hospital (Bangsar) Kuala Lumpur (KL)8, Jln Bukit Pantai, 59100 Kuala Lumpur), Malaysia.
Dr Ahmad Zailani Hatta Mohd Dali - Male
Dr Michael Lim Chung Keat - Male
Dr Paul Ng Hock Oon - Male
Normal Delivery : From RM 4,000
C-Section: From RM 7,000
Waterbirth: From 10,000

C-Section: From RM 7,000
Waterbirth: From 10,000
Gynecologists in Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur
Address: 282, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Datuk Dr. Abd Aziz Yahya - Male
Dr. Adzlina Jaaffar - Female
Dato' Dr. Alex Mathews - Male
Dr. Andy Low Kok Kwan - Male
Dr. Chung Chow Cheang
Dr. Edmund Lai Sing Foo - Male
Dr. Jean Woo Lee See - Female
Dr. Jimmy Tang Sek Cheong
Dr. Michael Foong Chee Hong
Dr. Michael Samy - Male
Dr. Ravi Chandran - Male
Datin Dr. Suhaiza Salleh
Dr. T.P. Baskaran - Male
Dr. Tan Lay Seng - Male
Dr. Teh Beng Hock - Male
Dr. Teresa Chow - Female
Dr. Vijayan Padmanathan - Male
Dr. Wong Kok Kien - Male
Normal Delivery: From RM3,088
Cesarean Delivery: From RM8,888
Maternity Package Terms and Conditions:
• This package is applicable for delivery without complications.
• Patients are required to attend a minimum 3 antenatal check-up with our participating consultants.
• To enjoy the maternity package benefits, kindly register and make a pre-admission deposit of RM1,000 before 34
weeks of pregnancy. We will not entertain any registration after the stipulated deadline.
• This package is applicable for self-paying ONLY.
• Package specifications and rates subject to change without prior notice.
• This package is valid until further notice.
• Do take note that final bill price is subjective to mother’s and baby conditions during and after delivery.
Cesarean Delivery: From RM8,888
Maternity Package Terms and Conditions:
• This package is applicable for delivery without complications.
• Patients are required to attend a minimum 3 antenatal check-up with our participating consultants.
• To enjoy the maternity package benefits, kindly register and make a pre-admission deposit of RM1,000 before 34
weeks of pregnancy. We will not entertain any registration after the stipulated deadline.
• This package is applicable for self-paying ONLY.
• Package specifications and rates subject to change without prior notice.
• This package is valid until further notice.
• Do take note that final bill price is subjective to mother’s and baby conditions during and after delivery.
Gynaecologists in Sunway Medical Centre
Address: No.5, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Arranged in Alphabetical order:
Dr Ainul Zahaniah Hj Abd Aziz
Dr Balasundram Govindasamy
Dr Chan Joe Mee
Dr Chong Chin Kooi
Dr Farah Leong Rahman
Dr Hoo Mei Lin
Dr Janani Sivanathan
Dr Jason Lim Meng Hock
Dr Kannappan Palaniappan
Dr Lim Lei Jun
Dr Sharmina Kamal Binti Shamsul Kamal
Dr Syeda Nureena Zaidi
Dr Tan Ee Ping
Dr Thangesweran Ayakannu
Dr Thow Sun Ta
Dr Uma Mariappen
Dr Wong Chin Yuan
Dr Wong Yat May
Dr Zaharuddin Bin Rahmat
Dr Andi Anggeriana - Female
What You Will Get With Our Package
With our comprehensive delivery package, you can rest assured knowing that your delivery experience with us will be a safe, smooth & comfortable one.
- Hospital stay (Normal delivery 2D1N & C-section (3D2N)
- Nursery care
- Baby vaccination & screening (Vitamin K, BCG, Hepatitis B - 1st dose & hearing test)
- Registration & administration charges
- Nursing services
- Maternal & fetal monitoring
- Standard medical supplies & equipment\
- Breakfast, lunch, tea & dinner
C-Section Delivery —— FROM RM6,000
Normal Delivery —— FROM RM4,000
Sunway Medical Centre - 4.2 Star Rating on Google Reviews.
Gynecologists in KPJ Tawakal Hospital KL
Address: 198, Jln Pahang, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Dr. Foong Chee Hong - Male
Dr. Kelvin Lim Jia Hau - Male
Dr. John Loh - Male
Dr. Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Bakar - Male
Dr. Johan Thambu Abd. Malek.
Dr. Jaafar Yaakob.
Dr. Siti Zaleha Abd. Rahim.
Dr. Jaafar Yaakob.
Dr. Siti Zaleha Abd. Rahim.
Gynecologists in Tung Shin Hospital KL
Address: 102, Jln Pudu - 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Dr Ng Kwee Boon - Male
Dr Timothy Lee Chin Ren - Male
Dr Tan Cheng - Male
Dr Edson Cheah Kit Leng - Male
Dr Choy Tai Foo - Male
Dr Lim Thin Peng - Male
Dr Ng Kok Chong - Male
Dr Sheikh Johari Bux - Male
Dr Tan Hoo Seong - Male
Dr Lim Thin Peng - Male
Dr Ng Kok Chong - Male
Dr Sheikh Johari Bux - Male
Dr Tan Hoo Seong - Male
Normal Delivery: from RM 3,388*
Caesarean Delivery (Elective): from RM 7,399*
For T&C - Click Learn More
Caesarean Delivery (Elective): from RM 7,399*
For T&C - Click Learn More
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