Multivitamins aren't necessary for most healthy children, especially those under 2, who are growing normally. This is because most children who have a healthy diet gets most of their nutritional needs met from the food they eat.
However, a multivitamin might be helpful for children with dietary issues such as being a very picky eater or has very poor appetite. However, always consult a pediatrician before giving supplements to your children.
Is It Safe For Toddlers to Take Vitamins?
A vitamin overdose can be dangerous and sometimes even fatal. Certain vitamins, including fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, can be toxic in high amounts. Furthermore, children’s vitamins are often flavored to make them seem like candy. Therefore, a child may easily overdose by eating too many vitamins a day if the supplement is not kept out of your child's reach.
Safety Tips for Supplements
- Always consult a pediatrician before giving supplements to children
- Try not to battle over foods with your kids or use desserts as a bribe to "clean your plate." Instead, give your child a chewable vitamin after the meal. Fat-soluble vitamins can only be absorbed with food.
- If your child is taking any medication, be sure to ask your child's doctor about any drug interactions with certain vitamins or minerals. Then the supplement won't boost or lower the medication dose.
- Try a chewable vitamin if your child won't take a pill or liquid supplement, but be careful of choking hazards.
- Consider waiting until a child reaches age 4 to start giving a multivitamin supplement, unless your child's doctor suggests otherwise.
- Immediately see a pediatrician if your child experiences difficulty breathing, facial swelling or persistent diarrhea, which can be signs of a severe allergic reaction to vitamins.
How Can I Boost My Toddlers Immune System?
- A well balanced diet with protein, zinc, iron, folates along with Vitamins A, B6, and E. This can be obtained through foods such as lean meats, fish, fruits and vegetables, whole grains and eggs.- Give them yogurt to promote the growth of live cultures in their gut, thus improving their digestive system.
- Avoid feeding your toddler too much sugary and processed foods.
- Keep your child active by letting them run and jump and play to keep their blood circulation healthy.
- Keep up with vaccinations and annual flu shots
- Promote hygienic habits such as hand washing and discourage unhygienic habits such as putting foreign objects or dirty fingers in their mouths.
- Ensure your child gets enough sleep by encouraging napping.
Best Vitamin for Toddlers to Increase Appetite - Herbion Naturals Vitality Supplement
Best Vitamin for Toddlers to Gain Weight - Pediakid Appetite Weight Gain
Best Vitamin for Toddlers Immune System - Nordic Naturals Baby's Vitamin D3
Best Supplement for Toddler Constipation - Mommy's Bliss Constipation Ease
Best Multivitamin for Toddlers - ChildLife Essentials Multivitamin
Best Liquid Multivitamin for Toddlers - NovaFerrum Multivitamin with Iron for Infants and Toddlers
Best Organic Liquid Multivitamin for Toddlers - Mary Ruth's Organic Vitamin D3 + K2 Drops
Best Multivitamin for 1 Year Old - Novaferrum Vegan Multivitamin with Iron
Best Multivitamin for 2 Year Old - Zarbee Naturals Toddler Multivitamin Gummies
1. How Do I Get My Fussy Toddler To Eat?
- Have mealtimes together as a family and avoid distractions like TV or video games.- Try to introduce a larger variety of healthy fruits, vegetables and proteins to keep them interested.
- Present the food in a colorful and creative way.
- Do not pressure the child to finish their food, let them decide when they have had enough.
- Involve the child in meal planning, let them help decide what to eat during the next meals.
- Try pairing foods they like with foods they dislike (like broccoli with melted cheese)
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