Stem cells are “naïve” cells – capable with the right stimuli to transform into other cells types found in the human body e.g. liver, skin, red blood cells. Umbilical cord blood stem cells are one of the most primitive types of cells in the body. Created during the earliest phases of development they have the potential, given the right stimuli, to become specialized cells such as red or white blood cells. It is these properties and the fact that the umbilical cord is a rich source of stem cells that has prompted private companies to offer frozen storage of these cells from umbilical cord blood collected at birth.
The umbilical cord bloods are stored by freezing the cells in liquid nitrogen, which allows preservation of the stem cells for many years. These unique cells can be used to replace damaged or abnormal blood cells as part of the treatment of some malignant blood disorders, such as leukaemia as an alternative to bone marrow transplantation. The potential benefits of stem cell transplantation are that the cells are immediately available, genetically identical and can avoid the potential risks of bone marrow transplant rejection and infection.
Related: List of Diseases that can be treated with Cord Blood
In Malaysia, there are several organizations which are involved in cord blood banking. The National Blood Bank in Ministry of Health handles cord blood banking for donation purposes (public cord blood banking Malaysia). Interested couples can get information of the cord blood donation:
- from the webpage of National Blood Centre (pdn.gov.my),
- contact the National Cord Blood Bank Malaysia at National Blood Centre, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur or call 03-266933888, or
- contact the cord blood collection centres at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Hospital Selayang, Hospital Serdang and Hospital Ampang.
- CryoCord Sdn. Bhd. – local company, laboratory/ bank situated in Cyberjaya
- StemLife Bhd. – local company, laboratory/ bank situated in Cyberjaya
How much is stem cell banking cost in Malaysia?
Do take note that both companies (Cryocord and Stemlife) will charge an upfront fee or enrolment fee that includes the first year of storage, processing and testing fee. The enrolment fee will vary from RM 3,000 to RM 10,000 depending on the type of cord blood storage.
Do take note that both companies (Cryocord and Stemlife) will charge an upfront fee or enrolment fee that includes the first year of storage, processing and testing fee. The enrolment fee will vary from RM 3,000 to RM 10,000 depending on the type of cord blood storage.
Stemlife Price Malaysia 2018/2019
- Cord Lining (MSC, EpSC), Wharton’s Jelly (MSC), Cord Blood (HSC): RM 800 average annual storage fee
- Wharton’s Jelly (MSC), Cord Blood (HSC - hematopoietic stem cells): RM 400 average annual storage fee
- Cord Blood (HSC): RM 400 average annual storage fee
Cryocord Price Malaysia 2018/2019
- Basic Plan: RM 280 annual storage fee
- Premium Plan: RM 700 annual storage fee
Related: Harga Cryocord
Stem Cell Banking Malaysia Reviews
1) Stem Cell (lowyat.net)
CellSafe, RM 3700 (promotion price), SEPAX device, normal price RM4500 but 10% discount + free stoller with maybank card.
1) Stem Cell (lowyat.net)
CellSafe, RM 3700 (promotion price), SEPAX device, normal price RM4500 but 10% discount + free stoller with maybank card.
StemLife, RM 4750 (promotion price), automated AXP processing.
Cryocord, RM 4300 (normal price), normal processing; +RM600 for automated AXP device; +RM500 if store by vials.
2) StemLife vs Cryocord Price (lowyat.net)
Was given the following cyrocord price:
2) StemLife vs Cryocord Price (lowyat.net)
Was given the following cyrocord price:
1. Cord blood
Upfront $3000
Annual $280
20 years $2500
2. Cord blood + MSC
Upfront $10,800
Annual $700
20 years $9000
Lump sum discount $500 (not worth it)
Cord blood tube storage +$600
Free car seat.
Do you know stemlife pricing?
Let me know if you can get better price or freebie?
Upfront $3000
Annual $280
20 years $2500
2. Cord blood + MSC
Upfront $10,800
Annual $700
20 years $9000
Lump sum discount $500 (not worth it)
Cord blood tube storage +$600
Free car seat.
Do you know stemlife pricing?
Let me know if you can get better price or freebie?
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